I recently went through The Purge. I suppose since I’ve done it before and it’ll happen again, I should call this more aptly ‘A Purge.’ Of email subscriptions, that is. After hitting Inbox 10k (of unread emails), I figured it was time to curate all the lists I had joined or been forced to join. The irony doesn't escape me that I'm saying this while typing an email.
Anyway, there were a handful of subscriptions I intentionally kept. One of them is from this guy, Scott Galloway. Or Prof G as he calls himself. He is a professor, after all. Also, a really good writer. His emails are usually long and almost always incredibly informative.
I like that. I may steal it for these, although that’s sort of been the intent all along.
To that point, his last email was a doozy. So with this email, I'm sharing his email. He titled it, ‘Love Persevering’ and you can read it here. In it, he confesses:
‘… Time is the most relentless force in the universe: No matter what we do, its thievery marches on (I like that). For the rest of my life, I’ll have sons. But I no longer have the baby who sat on a blanket with us in the backyard, the toddler who made an alliance with his dog to disappear his vegetables, or the 8-year-old who rang out a particular laugh only the dog could inspire.’
I liked and didn’t like that, mostly because it’s true of course. So then, I have to remember to ask myself from time to time: What am I doing to make the most of the present without losing sight of the past or the future?